
Life Sciences

Associate Professor
Focus: Genetics/Molecular Virology

Speaker Request
Binshan Shi, PhD


  • Ph.D., Zhejiang University, P. R. China
  • M.Sc., Zhejiang University, P. R. China
  • B.Sc., Zhejiang University, P. R. China

Courses Taught at ACPHS

  • BIO 225 Genetics
  • BHS 740 Genetics and Molecular Basis of Disease
  • BHS 345/745 Molecular Diagnosis
  • BHS 750 Flow Cytometry
  • BIO 345/660 Journal Club
  • BHS 490 Independent Research

Research Interests

Dr. Shi is a molecular biologist and molecular virologist. He has worked on the research and molecular diagnosis of HIV-1 in recent years. Dr. Shi’s research interests are mainly focused on two areas:

Research to understand the molecular basis of disease pathogenesis by using advanced molecular biology, virology, molecular genetics, and bioinformatics approaches. Methods used in lab include a) HIV-1 infectious molecular clone, recombinant virus, and reporter gene technologies to study HIV phenotype such as infection and replication; b) HIV-1 single genome amplification, sequencing and bioinformatics tools to understand the genotype changes and its association with disease progression.
Design and develop nucleic acid based molecular diagnosis assays for the detecting of infectious diseases, and its application for the monitoring of disease progression and the management of treatment. DNA amplification technology, fluorescence based quantification method, and novel mutation detection approaches were used in lab.


  • Dr. Shi is the inventor of the International Patent “Detection of X4 Strains of HIV-1 by Heteroduplex Tracking Assay” (WO2011032078).

Professional Affiliations

  • Member of the International AIDS Research Society.
  • Member of the American Society for Microbiology
  • Reviewer for Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 
  • American Society for Clinical Laboratory Sciences.

Professional Certifications

  • New York State Clinical Laboratory License Technologist.
  • Clinical Molecular Biologist (American Society of Clinical Pathologists).

Previous Positions or Appointments

  • Research Scientist, Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health 
  • Assistant Professor, Zhejiang University

Selected Publications/Conference Presentations

Graf L, Mellon K, Shi B. Quantification of HIV-1 1-LTR Cycle DNA by Using a Nested Real Time PCR. American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science Annual Meeting, Chicago IL, July 29 - August 2, 2018 (oral presentation). 

Shi B, Sharifi HJ, DiGrigoli S, Kinnetz M, Mellon K, Hu W, de Noronha CMC. Inhibition of HIV early replication by the p53 and its downstream gene p21. Virology Journal 2018 Mar 27;15(1):53. PubMed PMID: 29587790; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5870690.

Binshan Shi, Christina Kitchen, Barbara Weiser, Douglas Mayers, Brian Foley, Kimdar Kemal, Kathryn Anastos, Marc Suchard, Monica Parker, Cheryl Brunner, Harold Burger. (2010) Evolution and recombination of genes encoding HIV-1 drug resistance and tropism during antiretroviral therapy. Virology, 404: 5–20

Linda M. Styer, Binshan Shi, and Monica M. Parker. Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 2 (HIV-2) Using a Real Time RT-PCR Assay with a Whole Virus Internal Control. 2010 HIV Diagnostics Conference, March, 2010, Orlando, FL

Binshan Shi, Barbara Weiser, Harold Burger. Sensitive Detection of X4 and R5 HIV-1 Strains by Using a Novel Heteroduplex Tracking Assay. 49th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC 2009) September 12-15, 2009, San Francisco, CA

Shi B, Philpott S, Weiser B, Kuiken C, Fowke K, Fang G, Brunner C, Plummer, F, Rowland-Jones S, Bwayo J, Kimani. J, Anzala O, and Burger H. (2004) Construction of an Infectious Molecular Clone of HIV-1 from an African Patient with a Subtype D-C Recombinant Virus. AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses. 20(9): 1015-1018.

Fang G, Weiser B, Kuiken C, Philpott S, Rowland-Jones S, Plummer F, Kimani J, Shi B, Kaul R, Bwayo J, Anzala O, and Burger H. (2004) Recombination following Superinfection by HIV-1. AIDS, 18(2): 1-7.

Fang G, Kuiken C, Weiser B, Rowland-Jones S, Plummer F, Chen CH, Kaul R, Anzala AO, Bwayo J, Kimani J, Philpott SM, Kitchen C, Gaschen B, Lang D, Shi B, Kemal KS, Rostron T, Brunner C, Beddows S, Sattenau Q, Paxinos E, Oyugi J, Burger H. (2004) Long-term Survivors in Nairobi: Complete HIV-1 RNA Sequences and Immunogenetic Associations. J. of Infectious Disease. 190: 697-701.

Binshan Shi, Zhu-Nan C, Jun Y, Ying-Nian Y. (2004) N-Methyl-N’-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine sensitivity, mutator phenotype and sequence specificity of spontaneous mutagenesis in FEN-1-deficient cells. Mutation Research 556:1-9

Shi Binshan, Yu Y N,Cai Z N, Shen B H. (2001) The Influence of FEN-1 Gene on Cell Cycle and Genetic Stability. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 33(3): 309-314.

Shi Binshan, Yu Y N. (2000) The Function and Structure of the Structure-Specific Nuclease FEN-1 (flap endo/exonuclease). Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics, 27(2): 143-146.

Shi Binshan, Yu Y N,Cai Z N, Shen B H. (2000) The Establishment of FL-FEN-1- Cell in which FEN-1 gene was blocked by antisense. Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica, 32(1): 87-89.

Honors, Awards and Appointments

Laura GrafKatie Mellon, Binshan Shi. Won top research paper award at the 2018 Education Scientific Assembly Student Awards competition, American Society of Clinical Laboratory Science.