Peer Mentor Program
The Peer Mentor Program pairs upper-class students with incoming first-year students to help with their transition from high school to college.
- Provide a support network for students
- Introduce new students to campus life and give advice on a successful transition to college
- Answer questions about classes and studying, getting involved on campus, available resources, and information about living in the Albany area
- Attend Peer Mentor events with their mentees (such as ice cream socials, trivia nights, and other events with great food and prizes!)
We make every attempt to match Peer Mentors and Mentees based on program, interests, and personality to make sure incoming students have a Peer Mentor who can be the best resource for them.
Transfer Peer Mentor Program
The Transfer Peer Mentor Program pairs incoming 2nd, 3rd, and P1 year transfer students with experienced transfer students who have been trained to be a resource and guide to their mentees.
Transfer Peer Mentors
- Help students adjust to a new campus, and make new friends
- Share their experiences and what helped them to be successful at ACPHS
- Provide advice on academic help, getting involved
- Attend lunches and other Transfer Peer Mentor Events that allow students to discuss topics related to school, but also catch up with their Mentors and fellow transfer students
We make every attempt to match Transfer Peer Mentors and Mentees based on program, interests, and personality to make sure incoming students have a Mentor who can be the best resource for them.
For more information about these programs, please contact:
Angela Palmer (Bermudez)
Academic Class Advisor and Coordinator of Peer Mentor Program